Happy on life

Zuie cun  "Happy on life" voltât par furlan e inglês dai fruts de classe 5° de scuele primarie Candotti di Codroip.

Il gioco Happy on life è un gioco della

European Commission

Joint Research Centre

Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen

Digital Citizen Security Unit


Via E. Fermi, 2749 TP 361

I-21027 Ispra/Italy

Ha avuto ampio successo tra i ragazzi delle classi quinte della scuola Primaria Candotti di Codroipo. Lo abbiamo usato dopo aver avuto un incontro con un poliziotto postale che ha illustrato i problemi che possono sorgere in rete.
Ai ragazzi, poi, è stato chiesto di progettare un nuovo gioco utilizzando le carte e di trasformarle traducendole in friulano e inglese e illustrandole. 
I testi sono stati tradotti in friulano in attività di coppia dai ragazzi, utilizzando il dizionario di friulano on line, sono stati corretti.
i testi in inglese sono stati parzialmente tradotti dai ragazzi e in parte dall'insegnante,
i disegni sono stati elaborati e inseriti nelle carte.
Le carte verranno illustrate e lasciate in eredità alle prossime classi quinte.
Per ogni gruppo di carte è stato aggiunto un quiz dall'insegnante.


Si ringraziano per la collaborazione

FRANCESCA VARANO e ROSANNA DI GIOIA Secretary European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen Digital Citizen Security Unit

Antonella Ottogalli della Biblioteca di Codroipo per la correzione dei testi in friulano 

la prof. Lucia Shilter per la correzione dei testi in inglese

The Commission decision on reuse is the dissemination policy of the EC adopted in 2011. It applies to any document whatever its medium (written or electronic form, sound and audio-visual), as long as there are no third party intellectual property rights.Please note that this decision does not apply to software, trademarks, patents and designs (art. 2). According to the Reuse Decision, all Commission documents shall be available for reuse (i.e. reproduce and modify) for commercial and non-commercial purposes as long as the source of the document is indicated (art. 4 and 6).

Cun chest lavôr o partecipìn al concors Glemone îr, vuei e doman e o vincìn il prin premi de seconde sezion.



  • Si tache a dâ dôs o trê cjartis a ogni zuiadôr. 
  • A ogni zuiadôr si dâ un numar come non.
  • Il zuiadôr numar un al fâs une domande a un altri zuiadôr.
  • Se chel al rispuint just, alore al varà di fâ a un altri zuiadôr une domande che al à tal macet di cjartis. 
  • Se invezit al rispuindarà sbaliât al varà di dâ une cjarte dal so macet al zuiadôr che i à fat la domande.
  • Si continue fin che l'ultin zuiadôr nol varà plui cjartis par fâ domandis.
  • Al vinç cui che al à plui cjartis.

Zuie sigûr - play it safe

Tu stâs zuiant cuntun zûc on-line di tip multi-player. I tiei gjenitôrs ti clamin parcè che la cene e je pronte. Ce fâstu? /You are playing a multiplayer game online for adults. The other players decide to meet each other, not far from your home. What would you do?
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Tu decidis di zuiâ on-line. Ce isal miôr fâ? / You decide to play on-line. What's the best thing to do?
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Un amì ti mande un messaç e-mail cun in zonte une fotografie di un scheletri uman grandonon cun trê braçs. Ce pensistu? / A friend sends you a mail with a picture of a big skeleton with three arms. What do you think?
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Tu âs ricevût un videozûc pal to complean e no son lis istruzions. Tu âs tacât a zuiâ, ma a un ciert pont tu ti sês blocât. Ce puedistu fâ? / You have received a videogame for your birthday, but there aren't any instructions. You have started to play, but now you can't go on. What can you do?
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Se si vierç un barcon di pop-up gnûf, intant che tu navighis in Internet, ce âstu di fâ? / If a new pop-up window opens while you are surfing on internet, what would you do?
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Tu sês tal to jet e se tu sieris i voi, tu viodis lis stessis imagjinis dal videozûc che tu âs doprât dut il dopomisdì. No tu rivis a indurmidîti. Al è tart e doman tu âs di lâ a scuele. Ce fâstu? / You are in your bed and the videogame, you played all the afternoon with, is in your mind.You can't sleep and tomorrow you’ve got to go to school. What would you do?
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Tu âs cjatât un sît par scjariâ musiche e film a gratis. Ce fâstu? / You have found a website to download music and movies for free. What would you do?
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Tu tu âs di fâ une ricercje par scuele su un famôs esploradôr. Tu digjitis il so non su Google e tu cjatis tantis informazions su di lui. Ce fâstu? / You are doing a homework. You have to do a project work at school on a famous explorer. On Google you find a lot of information.What would you do?
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Tu stâs zuiant cuntun zûc multi-player par adults. Chei altris zuiadôrs a decidin di viodisi intun locâl dongje di cjase tô. Ce fâstu? / You are playing a multiplayer game on-line for adults. The other players decide to meet each other, not far from your home. What would you do?
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Un amì al zuie di tant timp cuntun zȗc on-line multi-player. Al à fat amicizie cuntun dai zuiadôrs e cumò al à fissât une date par un incuintri fûr dal zûc. Ce i conseistu? / A friend is playing with a multi-player game on line. Now he wants to meet a player outside. What's your advice?
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In vuaite - On guard

Tu stâs fasint i compits, doprant internet, cuant che si vierç un barcon di pop-up che ti vise che tu âs vinçût un premi straordenari. Ce fâstu? / You are doing your homework, using internet, when a pop-up window opens and tells you won an extraordinary prize. What do you do?
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Tu vuelis condividi video personâi cun amîs e familiârs. Ce struments puedistu doprâ? / You want to share your videos with friends or family members. What instruments can you use?
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Tu âs fotografât un insegnant intune pose che al fâs ridi. Tu decidis di condividi la fotografie cui tiei compagns e tu vuelis publicâle in internet. Puedistu fâlu?You took a funny photo of your teacher. You want to post it on the internet. Can you do that?
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Cuant che tu vierzis un profîl Facebook, ce impostazions sielzistu par mostrâ i contignûts dal to account publichementri o in maniere privade (Privacy settings)? / When you open a Facebook profile, what privacy settings do you choose for your account?
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Trop aial di jessi segret e privât il to numar dal celulâr? / How secret and private must be your telephone number?
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Tu vuelis vierzi un profîl Facebook. A ce etât puedistu fâlu? / You want to create a Facebook profile. At what age can you do this?
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Ce puedio fâ se o soi stât tagât intun contignût che no mi plâs? / What can you do if you have been tagged?
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Ti à telefonât cualchidun che no tu cognossis e che no tu i vevis dât il to numar. Tu ti rindis cont che cheste persone e à tantis informazions su di te. Ce fâstu? / You received a phone call from an unknown person. You realise that this person has got a lot of information about you. What do you do?
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Tô mari e à postât une foto simpatiche di cuant che tu vevis 4 agns sul to Social Network preferît. A jê i sameave une biele robe, ma tu tu ti sintis un pôc intrigât. Ce fâstu? / Your mum posted, on your favourite social network, a funny photo of you when you were four. You feel embarrassed, what do you do?
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Cemût puedistu evitâ che il to computer al cjapi un virus? / How can you avoid computer viruses?
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Reste conetût - Stay connected

Tu vuelis lassâ il to morôs o la tô morose.
Cemût fâstu?You want to leave your boy/girlfriend. What do you do?
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Tu tu vâs in vacance al mâr.
Il to plui brut pinsîr al è di dismenteâ: / You go on holiday to the seaside. Your nightmare is to forget:
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In famee si è decidût cemût doprâ Internet. Dopo cene nuie tecnologjie!
Al è tart. Tu ti rindis cont che tu as propite voie di vê informazions che tu cjatis nome on-line. Ce fâstu? / In the family it has been decided not to use the internet after dinner. It is late and you want some information you can find only online. What do you do?
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Ce fâstu se un dai tiei contats al devente insopuartabil o agressîf? / What do you do if one of your contacts becomes unpleasant or aggressive?
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E je domenie e finalmentri dute la famee e je riunide par mangjâ. Ce NO isal necessari in taule? / It is Sunday and you sit down at a table and have dinner as a family. What is NOT necessary on the table?
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Cuant che tu tu comunichis cun altris navigadôrs in internet... / When you communicate with other surfers on the internet...
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Ce fâstu se un che no tu cognossis ti domande l’amicizie intun Social Network come Facebook? / What do you do if an unknown person asks for your friendship on a social network like Facebook?
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Tu âs incuintrât un/e fantat/e zentîl a la fermade de coriere. Ti plasarès che al/e fos to/tô amì/amie. Cemût ti compuartistu? / You have met a boy/girl at the bus stop. You would like him/her to become your friend What do you do?
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Cuant che tu publichis une fotografie on-line... / When you post a photo online...
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Tu âs incuintrât une persone in chat e a vês tabaiât. Cheste persone ti somee cetant ninine e ti propon di cjatâsi. Ce fâstu? / You have met somebody on a chatline and this person wants to meet you. What do you do?
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Ferme il bulat on line - Stop the bully on line

Ce no isal cyber bulisim? / What is not cyber-bullying?
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Se tu mandis di pueste e dispès messaçs fastidiôs a cualchidun… / If you send unpleasant messages to someone...
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Cualchidun ti mande messaçs disgustôs. Ce fâstu? / Somebody sends you unpleasant messages. What do you do?
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Al é un frut che nol è interessât a Twitter. Ducj lu cjolin vie e un dì a decidin di creâ un profîl fals a so non cuintri il so volê. Cualis podaressino jessi lis conseguencis di cheste azion? / There is a boy not interested in Twitter. A day somebody creates a false profile with his name against his will. What may be the consequences?
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Tu âs barufât cuntun amì. Tu decidis di svindicâti e di scrivi tristeriis sul vuestri Social Network preferît. Subît dopo tu cambiis idee e tu capissis di vê fat une stupidade. Puedistu ancjemò scancelâ il messaç? / Can you remove a bad message you wrote about a friend on your favourite Social Network?
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Un dai tiei 534 amîs di Facebook al scrîf su la tô bacheche une robe che ti fâs rabie. Ce fâstu? / One of your 534 Facebook friends writes something on your wall that makes you feel angry. What do you do?
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Ce isal il bulisim? / What is bullying?
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Cuant che cualchidun al agredìs altris navigadôrs in internet... / When someone attacks other surfers on the internet....
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Un to amì al publiche fotos dai tiei amîs che a fasin vergognâ. Ce fâstu? / A friend of yours posts embarrassing photos of your friends. What would you do?
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Puedistu jessi condanât par bulisim? / Can you be sentenced for bullying?
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